Thursday, August 30, 2007

Oracle Applications Clear Cache

Refer given below to clear cache in E-Business Suite. 1. Apache - shutdown iAS server- go to $OA_HTML or $COMMON_TOP (11.5.10) directory- remove the directory _pages- restart iAS server 2. Browser -Netscape :- go to menu Edit => Preferences…, - choose 'Cache' in 'Advanced' category,- click on buttons 'Clear Memory Cache' and 'Clear Disk Cache'.- close all Netscape windows and restart new browser session. -Internet Explorer :- go to menu Tools => Internet Options…,- select 'General' tab,- click on button 'Delete Files' in 'Temporary Internet files' zone- close all IE windows and restart new browser session. 3. Jinitiator -Two possibilities depending of Jinitiator version, for instance: - delete all files in directory : C:\Program Files\Oracle\Jinitiator\jcache\ (Jinitiator version directory may be different) or - go to Start => Parameters => Control Panel- double-click on Jinitiator (or other version)- in the new pop-up window, click on "Cache" Tab- click on "Clear Jar Cache " button. On prompt, click Yes. (you can also delete directly all files under directory:C:\Documents and Settings\\Oracle Jar Cache) After clearing cache bound Apache and Forms server.

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